Gold Coast Midwifery Services

Gold Coast

Home Birth Midwife

Pregnancy shouldn't be a stressful or lonely experience. Are you looking for a caring, supportive and professional midwife who respects and honours your values and beliefs? Then look no further.

Pregnancy shouldn't be a stressful or lonely experience. Are you looking for a caring, supportive and professional midwife who respects and honours your values and beliefs? Then look no further.


For women and families seeking natural and holistic pregnancy care. Birthing Mum’s experienced midwives provide care throughout your pregnancy that is personalised to you and your baby’s needs.

Education Programs

Pregnancy education classes build confidence and prepare both you and your partner for labour, birth, breastfeeding and the first weeks of parenthood. Group and private classes are available. 

Support Services

Support Services for women who want to reduce stress levels and enhance their pregnancy and the first few weeks of motherhood. Birthing Mum has a range of support services that nurture you and your baby.


Are you looking to build connections with other new mums?
Come and join our mum and baby circle, a place to be encouraged and support other mums.
Sessions every Tuesday.

About Birthing Mum

Support for You

Birthing Mum provides you with personalised, holistic and caring in pregnancy, labour and birth and the postpartum period and beyond. We offer a range of midwifery, education and support services to enhance and improve your health and well-being during pregnancy, birth and beyond. We believe that caring for and supporting women during pregnancy and the early months of an infant’s life support the health and well-being of your child’s emotional, physical and intellectual development.

Birthing Mum was created as an alternative to routine hospital care and/or GP-share care. The poor staffing levels in hospitals and the lack of GP training in pregnancy care and/or time restraints have created an environment where women are not fully informed leading to rising interventions causing poorer birth outcomes for women and babies and have led to increased rates of birthing trauma. Discover the difference with Birthing Mum



0405 095 874

Service area

The Gold Coast and surrounding areas (including Lower Beechmont, Tamborine Mountain and Tweed)

Mother Support Group Gold Coast

Tuesdays 12:00 pm am to 1:30 pm

Mudgeeraba Community Centre in Hall 2

Firth Park Somerset Drive Mudgeeraba. $5 cover fee.

Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 8am - 6pm
Saturday: 9am - 4pm

Curious to find out more about our Midwifery Services?

Add your details below, and I will be in touch in within 2-days.

I can't wait to meet with you!